# Adding multimedia content in questions

# Introduction

You can now embed multimedia content in questions by pasting a URL. The following list name a few examples of supported content types:

  • Audio
    • Plain .mp3 file links
    • SoundCloud
  • Video
    • Plain .mp4 file links
    • YouTube
  • Social networking sites
    • Twitter

The above list is not exhausive. You may follow the procedures below to check whether the content you need is supported.

# How to embed multimedia content in questions?

Step 1: Navigate to a question bank. Choose an existing question to edit, or create a new question.

Step 2: Copy the link to the multimedia content. In this example, we will use a YouTube link.

Step 3: Paste the link to the question editor.

Step 4: At first, the pasted link will appear as a blue, underlined hyperlink.

If the link is embeddable, the hyperlink will be replaced by a box showing the link's content. In case of a YouTube video, that would be a video player.

If system is unable to embed the link's content, the hyperlink will remain a clickable link.

# What will be shown to my students?

Here are a few examples:

YouTube video will appear as the standard YouTube video player. Users may click on the title to open the video in a new tab or the app.

SoundCloud audio will appear as the standard SoundCloud audio player. Users may click on the title to open the audio in a new tab or the app.

Tweets will first appear as a text-only preview and become a full-feature Twitter card after loading.

Direct links to audio and video files will appear as a full audio/video player. Users can use the full screen button to enlarge the player.

# Reminder about YouTube video

Not all YouTube video is set to be embeddable. To check whether a YouTube video is embeddable, click Share -> Embed. If the video player reads 'Playback on other websites has been disabled by the video owner', embedding is disabled by its owner.

If you are the video owner, follow the instructions on YouTube Help: Restrict embedding on websites. Make sure either Allow on all domains or https://ureply.cihe.edu.hk is added to your allow list.

# Reminder about private posts on social networking sites

Most social networking sites have strict access control. If the post is set to private or the site requires login, our server and your students will not be able to see your content.

Check the instructions of your social networking site to see now to change your post to public.